Compare the differences between the Mikey and Mia Dry Mix, and the Shelby Dry Mix
Here you can view the differneces between our Mikey and Mia and Shelby Dry Mix blends, such as the ingredients and benefits.
Text in italics show similarities. Text highlighted in bold shows ingredients and benefits that are difference.
Differences between Dry Mix blends
Mikey and Mia Dry Mix
The Mikey and Mia Dry Mix, healthy complete food for small, medium and large parrots.
Buy this Dry Mix if your parrot enjoys different fruits, is not negatively affected by a larger fruit content, enjoys to forage through a large variety of ingredients or is currently on a high seed diet and would benefit from a more nutritious food type that is easy to transition onto.
Shelby Dry Mix
The Shelby Dry Mix gourmet parrot food for small, medium and large parrots.
Buy this dry mix if you reserve fruit as a treat, if your parrot has difficult behaviours (such as screaming, biting, agression, hormones and feather plucking) or if your parrot is facing health issues related to poor diet. This Dry Mix is our gourmet mix and contains a higher level of nutritional benefits and super foods.